Q1:Character creation bios: Are these character bios the full story to just give the a taste to what lies deeper for the player to choose from or do you have a family tree of stories that give each character breath?
2: Weapons: Are these the only type weapons in the entire game world of Grimmgard?
2A: Can players create hybrid weaponr?
3: Location names: There are 49 world locations. But in each location there are great number of named areas. What was your thought process on coming up with so many names within a particular location?
The weapons connected by chains are actually covered under the "Chain Weapons and Kusarigama" section on page 68 of the rulebook! With a chain attached, not only can you use throwing to hurl one of the weapons and automatically retrieve it, but use the weapons skill as a wrestling special attack (rules on page 46) to entangle an enemy. As for a double-sided weapon, that's a very interesting idea! Depending on the design, it would require some creativity from the Gamemaster. A hammer with a sword on the other side is easy: the player must declare when attacking which side they are using, since one side inflicts Blunt damage and the other side Edged damage. But in the same of, say, a double-sided saber staff, the gamemaster might reverse the dual-wielding rules and grant a +2 bonus to defense but a +2 penalty to attacks for example.